AW-16709357187 google-site-verification=X72tKUjogT2oK01ErS11wIkZQ-F7YYMUV0pPZRblPu4 Emergencies - Sunshine Hills Veterinary Clinic - Delta, BC

Sunshine Hills Veterinary Clinic

6449 120th Street
Delta, BC V4E 3G3


If you have an emergency outside of our regular business hours, we recommend the following Emergency clinics:

Mainland Animal Emergency
15338 Fraser Hwy

Surrey, BC V3R 3P5 
Phone : (604) 588-4000

Animal Emergency Clinic of the Fraser Valley 
306-6325 204 St.
Langle , BC V2Y 3B3 
Phone : (604) 514-1711

Vancouver Animal Emergency
2303 Alberta Street
Vancouver, BC V5Y4A7
Phone : (604)879-3737